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Take Action!!

Send Affidavit To Hawaii Governor!

[IMPORTANT]: This is an Affidavit of truth. If you know that anything is not factual in this affidavit, take it out. 




  1. Print the pdf on your right (You can copy & paste it into Word to edit as needed.)

  2. Edit places in red

  3. Get it notarized (normally free at your bank)

  4. Make copy to keep for your records

  5. Mail certified or registered mail 



  1. Make 22 copies of the affidavit above and send it to the Governor's higher-ups and colleagues:

    • Print the pdf cover letter with names and addresses on your right

    • Add your return address, date and signature

    • Send the letter with the Governor's affidavit above

    • Send regular mail (Use 2 stamps)



  1. Wait 23-days (add a reminder alarm in your cell!) If you don't get a reply from anyone, or you do and they're not going to do anything, file a Formal Complaint and include a copy of the Affidavit click here

  2. Next file case with the Hawaii Federal Court click here  We will sue the entire State! (We CAN do this!)

[NOTE: If you don't live in Hawaii, please send the affidavits only. You won't file a case.]




MORE INSTRUCTIONS: Here is a video from Margy and Jack Flynn





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You'll only be emailed actions and updates on our actions! 


Stop Fascism On Big Island!


The Hawaiʻi County Council Policy Committee on Planning, Land Use, and Development discussed the following measures:


  • Bill 121, which repeals sections in the code relating to Short-term Vacation Rentals and establishes new provisions for Transient Accommodation Rentals (TARs) and Housing Platforms for TARs.

  • Bill 122, which repeals all provisions that allow for Bed and Breakfast establishments.

  • Bill 123, which removes each instance of the term “Ê»ohana dwelling” from the County Code and inserts the term “accessory dwelling unit”, and adds provisions for the establishment of an accessory dwelling unit.


They sent these bills to the planning commissions, after hearing hours of public testimony, most in opposition. Read more


The people's voice was NO! Hawaii County Council perjured their oath of office and violated the Constitution!


  1. Print each pdf below

  2. Edit everything in red 

  3. Print the "example affidavit" pdf in step 2 

  4. Get all 9 pdfs notarized (free at the bank)

  5. Make a copy of each affidavit pdf for your records

  6. Mail "example affidavit" in Step 2 to everyone in Step 3 (Regular mail is fine. Use 2 stamps in case you need it.)

  7. Be proud of yourself for taking a stand against fascism!


If you get stuck, email me 

Heather Kimball: 

     Jennifer "Jenn" Kagiwada: 

                Susan L. K. Lee Loy: 

Ashley Lehualani Kierkiewicz 

        Michelle Galimba:

      Rebecca Villegas:

Dr. Holeka Goro Inaba:

Cynthia "Cindy" Evans:

(This one is slightly different.

She voted "no" for Bill 122)


STEP TWO "Example Affidavit": 



  1. Print 1 copy of the pdf on your right and edit it where it needs it. (You can also edit in word if you want)

  2. Get it notarized (Do it the same time you get the above notarized.)

  3. Make 16 copies and send it with the each cover letter in Step 3 (There's 15 letters. You'll keep one for your records.)


NOTE: The only difference between this affidavit and the ones above is 1st page. I'm saving you from needing to send all 8 affidavits above to 15 people. Now you only have to send one affidavit to the 15 people in step 3. 



STEP 3: Mail Higher-Ups


Send copy of the example affidavit in step two to higher-ups and colleagues 


Print this pdf ONCE. It has all 15 names and address you'll mail the example 

affidavit to. (Feel free to copy and paste it into word and edit as needed.) 




American Flag

Help Take Back Your Country!


(Courtesy and Jack and Margy Flynn)





Send Affidavit to Maui County Council! 

Maui county council ignored hundreds of people opposing using Olowalu as the site for tons of

toxic waste. They said they felt pressured to approve it or lose funding. That is fraud!

They've violated the Constitution, their oath of office and committed fraud against the people. They should be peaceable removed from office. 


Follow the same process in Action #1! 



  1. Open the Maui County Council Affidavit Click Here

  2. Copy and paste it into Word or Pages and edit it accordingly

  3. Get it notarized (normally free at your bank)

  4. Make copy to keep for your records

  5. Mail certified or registered mail if you can afford it.  

  6. Make 14 copies of the affidavit and send it to the below:



  1. Wait 23-days (add a reminder alarm in your cell!) If you don't get a reply from anyone, or you do and they're not going to do anything, file a Formal Complaint and include a copy of the Affidavit click here

  2. Wait 23-days again for a reply. (Add a reminder alarm on your cell!) 

  3. If you don't get a reply or they're going to do nothing, file case with the Hawaii Federal Court click here  We will sue the entire State! (We CAN do this!)

[NOTE: If you don't live in Hawaii, please send the affidavits only. I'll have more instructions later. ]




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Affidavit for Maui Mayor and Police Chief coming Soon! 

Contact Your City Council & Legislators and
Tell Them DO NOT Vote Through
Sustainable Planning & Development!  

Contact BOTH your legislator and City Council members: 


Find YOUR legislator click here 


Find your City Council members: ​

  • Put "find my city council member" in a url

  • You can also put in your town/city and State


Things you can say...

Sustainable planning and development does the following: 

  • Violates our freedoms and the protection of them under the Constitution!

  • It is a transition from representative government to UNELECTED boards & commissions

  • It is an erasure of jurisdictional boundaries

  • It is a loss of private property rights

  • It is a loss of personal, physical and national sovereignty 

  • Rosa Koire, 30yr California dept. of transportation district branch chief. She was a litigation support & witness in land use & property valuation. She's traveled the Country warning City Council members that Sustainable planning & development will destroy our country! Video Click Here



Tell them you want them to stand-up against Sustainable Planning & Development policies and honor their oath of office to defend and support the Constitution! Sustainable planning and development will destroy our freedom and everything millions fought and died for! 


Source: Rosa Koire, Behind The Green Mask, UN Agenda 21, 6:25:12 part 1 of 4​


We CAN Do This For Our Country 
& People Who Value FREEDOM!
(Mahalo so much.)
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